Creating a Little Red Book brand account and store can be a great way to connect with Chinese consumers and sell your products on this popular social e-commerce platform.
In China, one of the must-haves for online marketing channels is Little Red Book (in Chinese: 小红书 Xiaohongshu, in short RED). Adopting the unique social e-commerce model, Little Red Book Xiaohongshu now plays an essential role in boosting new consumption and empowering new Chinese fashion lifestyle brands, especialy among young consumers. More and more domestic and international brands have opened their brand accounts and online stores to sell products and engage with customers on the Little Red Book Xiaohongshu.
So in this article, we will discuss what is Little Red Book Xiaohongshu, why brands need it, and how to open a store on it.
What is Little Red Book Xiaohongshu and how does it work?
Little Red Book (in Chinese: 小红书 Xiaohongshu, in short RED), is a popular social e-commerce platform in China. It was founded in 2013 and has quickly become one of the leading destinations for Chinese consumers, especially young people to discover and shop for products online.

Little Red Book Xiaohongshu’s business operates on a model that combines social media and e-commerce. Little Red Book Xiaohongshu allows users to share and discover content related to fashion, beauty, travel, food, and other lifestyle topics. Users can post product reviews, recommendations, and shopping experiences, as well as follow and interact with other users.
In addition to its social features, Little Red Book Xiaohongshu also functions as an e-commerce platform where users can purchase products directly from the app. The platform has a large number of brand and merchant partners who sell their products through Little Red Book Xiaohongshu’s marketplace. Little Red Book Xiaohongshu earns revenue by charging a commission on the sales made through its platform.
Little Red Book Xiaohongshu’s business model relies heavily on user-generated content and social engagement to drive traffic and sales. By creating a community of engaged users who share their experiences and opinions on products, Little Red Book Xiaohongshu has built a strong reputation as a trusted source of information and recommendations for Chinese consumers. This has made it an attractive destination for brands and merchants looking to reach Chinese consumers and sell their products online. Thus, content Seeding on Little Red Book Xiaohongshu is one of the must-haves of Brands´ China marketing measures.

How Little Red Book works with international brands?
In recent years, Little Red Book Xiaohongshu has been actively collaborating with international brands to expand its offerings and attract more users.
For example, Little Red Book Xiaohongshu partnered with luxury brand Dior to create a flagship store on the platform. This allowed Dior to showcase its products to Xiaohongshu’s millions of users and provide them with a seamless shopping experience.

Little Red Book Xiaohongshu has also collaborated with international influencers and celebrities to promote brands and products on the platform. For example, in 2020, the platform partnered with Victoria Beckham to launch her beauty line in China, and the campaign featured a number of popular Xiaohongshu influencers promoting the products.
Overall, Xiaohongshu’s collaborations with international brands have helped to diversify its offerings and attract a wider range of users. By partnering with established brands and influencers, Little Red Book Xiaohongshu has been able to leverage their existing fan bases and expand its reach beyond China.
How to open a store on Little Red Book Xiaohongshu?
Creating a Little Red Book brand account and store can be a great way to connect with Chinese consumers and sell your products on this popular social e-commerce platform. Now foreign brands are allowed to open official flagship stores and sell directly on Little Red Book Xiaohongshu. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started:
Step 1: Create your brand account
- Visit the Little Red Book official website: https://www.xiaohongshu.com/, click on the “For Business” tab located at the bottom of the page.
- Choose “Brand Account” and click on “Join Us”.
- Fill in the required information, such as your brand name, product category, contact information, and brand introduction.
- Upload your brand logo, cover image, and product images. Make sure they meet the platform’s image size and quality requirements.
- Wait for your account to be reviewed and approved by Little Red Book’s team. This can take several days to a few weeks.
Step 2: Create your brand store
Once your brand account is approved, you can start creating your store.
- Click on “Store” in the top menu and select “Create Store”.
- Fill in your store information, such as your store name, description, and return policy.
- Upload your products and add product information, such as images, descriptions, prices, and inventory. And then submit your store for review and wait for it to be approved by Little Red Book’s team.
Once approved, through the official profile page of a brand account, consumers can directly access their brand store by clicking the “”店铺 Store”” button. In this way, consumers can make purchases within the app. So, they don’t need to open another shopping app separately.
Of course, foreign brands must comply with Xiaohongshu’s rules and regulations for selling on the platform. These include providing accurate product information, meeting quality standards, providing excellent customer support, and following pricing and shipping policies. By following these guidelines, foreign brands can tap into Xiaohongshu’s large user base and reach Chinese consumers interested in their products.
By following these steps, you can effectively sell products to China via Little Red Book (Xiaohongshu) and tap into the enormous potential of the Chinese market.
21YunBox offers all the services in the whole process, including:
- Set up your Brand Account on Little Red Book
- Set up your Store on Little Red Book
- Manage content for your Little Red Book account - strategy, content creation, and detailed reporting every month
- Customized marketing strategy on Little Red Book and execution to promote your store
- Cutomer service in Chinese
If you are not sure where to start, Contact us today, and get your questions answered quickly!