Vercel does not work in China
Vercel does not work in China

TLDR; This Vercel China article provides you with a simple solution to get your Vercel powered websites fast, stable, and compliant in China.

Understanding Vercel and Its Limitations in China

Vercel is a cutting-edge cloud platform that revolutionizes static and dynamic site hosting. Known for its seamless integration with popular frameworks like Next.js, Vercel offers powerful features including:

  • Automatic deployments triggered by Git pushes
  • Built-in CI/CD pipeline for streamlined development
  • Global CDN for fast content delivery worldwide
  • Serverless functions for dynamic capabilities

These features make Vercel a go-to choice for developers seeking efficient, scalable hosting solutions.

The Challenge: Vercel’s Performance Issues in China

Despite its global success, Vercel faces significant hurdles in China:

  1. Lack of Local Infrastructure: Vercel doesn’t operate servers within mainland China, leading to increased latency.

  2. Great Firewall Impact: China’s internet regulations can interfere with Vercel’s CDN and serverless functions.

  3. Unstable Connections: Users in China often experience slow load times and intermittent accessibility issues with Vercel-hosted sites.

  4. Compliance Concerns: Vercel’s global infrastructure doesn’t address China’s strict website hosting regulations.

As a result, while Vercel sites perform excellently worldwide, they struggle to deliver a satisfactory user experience within China’s unique digital landscape.

Vercel works great globally, but not in China

Vercel has revolutionized web development and hosting for many developers worldwide. Its seamless integration with popular frameworks like Next.js, and its global CDN make it an excellent choice for most markets. However, China presents unique challenges that Vercel’s infrastructure isn’t equipped to handle.

The Great Firewall of China significantly impacts the performance of websites hosted outside the country. This includes Vercel-hosted sites, which can experience:

  1. Slow loading times: Pages can take 3-8 times longer to load compared to other global locations.
  2. Intermittent availability: Connections may time out or fail unpredictably.
  3. Incomplete asset loading: Images, scripts, or stylesheets may fail to load, breaking site functionality.

These issues stem from China’s complex internet infrastructure and regulations, which Vercel’s current setup doesn’t account for.

Don't let the Great Firewall slow you down

Get your Vercel site optimized for China's unique internet landscape

Optimize My Site

Beyond performance issues, websites operating in China face significant legal and compliance hurdles:

  1. ICP License Requirement: To legally operate a website in China, you need an Internet Content Provider (ICP) license. Vercel doesn’t provide this, leaving your site potentially vulnerable to being taken offline.

  2. Content Regulations: China has strict content regulations. Websites must comply with local laws, which can be challenging to navigate without local expertise.

  3. Data Localization Laws: Certain types of data must be stored on servers within China, which Vercel’s global infrastructure doesn’t accommodate.

  4. Censorship Concerns: The Great Firewall may block certain content or services commonly used in Western web development, potentially breaking site functionality.

Navigating these challenges requires a solution tailored specifically for the Chinese market, which is where 21YunBox comes in.

Speed test results of websites deployed with Vercel and 21YunBox in China

Website deployed and hosted with Vercel before and after 21YunBox's optimization
Website deployed and hosted with Vercel before and after 21YunBox's optimization

The color results means: green being faster, and red being extremely slow or even inaccessible. As you can see, the site deployed with Vercel in China performs much slower than 21YunBox.

Make your web app performs 10x faster in China.

Get started now, and our staff will assist your journey in China.

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How to Improve the Access Speed of Vercel in China?

While there are several approaches to improving website speed in China, many come with significant drawbacks or complexity. Let’s explore the options and see why 21YunBox offers the most comprehensive solution.

Traditional Approaches and Their Limitations

  1. Using China-based cloud storage (e.g., Alibaba Cloud OSS, AWS S3 China):
    • Pros: Improved speed for static assets
    • Cons: Complex setup, lack of CI/CD integration, doesn’t solve dynamic content issues
  2. Setting up a reverse proxy in China:
    • Pros: Can improve access speeds
    • Cons: Technically challenging, requires ongoing maintenance, doesn’t address compliance issues
  3. Building a separate version of the site for China:
    • Pros: Can be optimized for Chinese users
    • Cons: Doubles development effort, creates synchronization challenges

These methods often fall short in providing a complete solution that addresses both performance and compliance issues while maintaining the developer experience you’re accustomed to with Vercel.

The Simple and Cost-Effective Way: 21YunBox

Vercel + 21YunBox for the global market
Vercel + 21YunBox for the global market

21YunBox offers two approaches to optimize your Vercel-powered website for China:

Approach 1: Build and Deployment Solution for China

This approach replicates the “Vercel deploy” experience for China, giving you full control at the source code level while addressing local compliance, connectivity, and loading issues caused by the Great Firewall.

The build and deploy workflow in 21YunBox Build
The build and deploy workflow in 21YunBox Build

Key benefits:

  • Seamless CI/CD integration
  • Automatic compliance with Chinese regulations
  • Optimized performance through local CDN

Deploy your Vercel site in China with ease

Experience Vercel-like deployment with China-specific optimizations

Start Building for China

Approach 2: Website Performance Optimization Solution for China

This fully managed approach is ideal for headless commerce or CMS sites that want to minimize technical overhead and delegate China-specific optimizations to experts.

3 Steps to Make Vercel Website Work in China
3 Steps to Make Vercel Website Work in China

The process is streamlined into three steps:

  1. Hosting Infrastructure Evaluation: We analyze your current setup for compatibility with China’s digital landscape.

  2. Site Component Analysis: We scan for elements that may be slow or blocked in China.

Analysis Report: Evaluating Hosting and Site Components for China Compatibility.
Analysis Report: Evaluating Hosting and Site Components for China Compatibility.
  1. Optimization Implementation: We optimize your site for China without affecting its performance elsewhere.

This approach requires minimal technical involvement from your team, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to expand into the Chinese market quickly and efficiently.

Optimize your Vercel site for China without the hassle

Let our experts handle the complexities of China's internet landscape

Get Your China Optimization


While Vercel excels in global markets, it faces significant challenges in China. 21YunBox bridges this gap, offering solutions that maintain the developer-friendly experience of Vercel while addressing the unique performance and compliance requirements of the Chinese market.

Whether you choose the hands-on build and deployment approach or the fully managed optimization solution, 21YunBox ensures your Vercel-powered website performs optimally in China, opening up vast opportunities in one of the world’s largest online markets.

Ready to make your Vercel site shine in China? Get started with 21YunBox today and unlock the full potential of your web presence in this crucial market.