Accelerate Your Site in China Legitimately

With the Tools Your Team Love.

Thousands of businesses trust 21YunBox to optimize, manage, and ensure compliance for their online presence in China.

Stop Wasting Time on these Problems.

Your Team Deserves Better Solutions.

Your Site Perform Poorly in China.

Hosting your site outside China typically takes 20+ seconds to load inside the Great Firewall of China.

Your customers are bouncing off your site because it's painfully slow.

According to research by Google and Deloitte, improving page loading speed by 0.1 seconds can boost your conversion rate by 8% (and even more in some e-commerce sectors).

How Landing Page Load Image Impact Bounce in China, Google Research 2017

Your site is Broken in China: Videos aren't showing, Payments can't go thru, and Your Users are Leaving you. Why?

Because these technologies and tools are either completely blocked or very slow in China.

If the technologies and tools you rely on can’t perform in China, how can you provide guaranteed performance for your users in China?

The web hosting providers you love don't work.

You have great content and great graphic design, but the hosting servers don't have reliable service for China. So your users can't see any of your great content.

The video hosting providers you love don't work.

You have great demo videos of your products on your site, but it shows up blank in China.

The payment gateways you love don't work.

If you run an e-commerce business, payment gateways are the backbone of your business. But your users can't purchase because the payment systems you rely on are broken in China.

That's why you have a slow site and unstable service in China.

These technologies are blocked or perform poorly in China. Popular technologies that are not natively supported in China. Please note that 21YunBox is not affiliated with these brands

Tight timeline?

Getting the Legal Licenses for China is taking forever?

Is the language barrier driving you nuts?

You filled out the ICP Filing application, but the Ministry of China didn't approve it in China, and you are lost.

You got the wrong licenses, 10 weeks and thousands of dollars wasted.

Your site is still not accessible by Chinese users (if you don't have a valid ICP License, your site will not be accessible in China on Chinese servers or CDNs.)

Got a huge fine hosting in China without ICP License?

Hosting without the right legal licenses is like operating a business without licenses.

Don't risk that. This hurts your brand's image, and it's unrecoverable in China. Learn more about how brands are taking advantage of this.

Not sure how your site perform in China? Test your site inside the China firewall now.

* Nike's website in China (right), with zoomed and highlighted ICP. You can find legal licenses shown at the footer of the most legitimately hosted websites in China.

Screenshot to show Nike's website in China, with zoomed and highlighted ICP number in red. You can find legal licenses showed at the footer of most legitimately hosted websites in China.

Your whole team isn't moving forward when it comes to China.

These tools just don't work and have no support for users in China.

Looking for workarounds? But changing habits hurt team productivity.

Changing tools is not an option for you.

The analytics programs you love don't work.

3rd-party (client-side) analytics systems in China have data loss problems, so the data your see could be misleading and completely off from the truth.

The CMS you love doesn't work.

Most CMS don't have CDNs in China, so your content load slowly or is blocked in China. In addition, 99.9% of these CMSs aren't fully compliant with China's Cybersecurity Law.

Google Analytics, Shopify, Youtube, Contentful, Matomo, Drupal, Mixpanel, WordPress, and Stripe just don't work and don't even have supports for users in China.

We Are Here To Help

Make your site load fast. Make your site load fast.

Make your site work legitimately. Make your site work legitimately.

Make your teams work without changing habits for China. Make your teams work without changing habits for China.

Painless and easy Painless and easy.

How Does it Work?

Our Solutions Have Your Team Covered!

For Your Marketers

21YunBox Analytics offers you the essentials to fix Google Analytics and other 3rd-party analytics programs' data loss problem in China.

In these client-side analytics systems, sessions can be lost when users employ ad blockers or disable JavaScript. Since it runs on the server and not the client, 21YunBox Analytics paints a more accurate, complete picture of your users—we never use sampling.

No Tracking code is needed on your site. No Tracking code is needed on your site.

Fully compliant with Cybersecurity Law of China. Fully compliant with the Cybersecurity Law of China.

Analytics programs don't work in China: Google Anlaytics, Amplitude, mixpanel, heap, hotjar, matomo

For Your Copywriters

We make the tool you love possible in China.

No need to re-learn for China. No need to re-learn for China.

Still the CMS you love, but with 21YunBox, your content deploys to China in minutes. Still the CMS you love, but with 21YunBox, your content deploys to China in minutes.

Click Save and publish to 1.4 billion people in China. Click "Save" and publish to 1.4 billion people in China.

Integrate with your favorite headless CMS: Contentful,WordPress,Shopify,,Strapi,Dato CMS,Drupal,Airtable with 21YunBox to make your content work in China

For Your Legal and Compliance

Get you the proper ICP License and related legal licenses for your business to host legitimately in China.

Our expert speaks fluent English, Japanese, and Chinese. Our expert speaks fluent English, Japanese, and Chinese.

Save you 1000+ hours of research for China. Save you 1000+ hours of research for China.

Help you prevent tens of thousands of dollars wasted on unnecessary legal fees. Help you prevent tens of thousands of dollars wasted on unnecessary legal fees.

Our users typically take less than 10 minutes to integrate ICP on their site. Our users typically take less than 10 minutes to integrate ICP License on their sites.

* Bottega Veneta China website with ICP number zoom-in highlighted in red

Bottega Veneta China With ICP License Zoom In

For Your Frontend Developers

Give you Netlify-like deployment experience in China.

Git push, 21YunBox Deploy, and your site will go live in China CDNs in minutes with tools you love already.

Legal is integrated straight into your site.

Shipped faster. Do more with less code. Shipped faster. Do more with less code.

You don't need to manage web servers, set up CI/CD, scale clusters, configure CDN.  You don't need to manage web servers, set up CI/CD, scale clusters, or configure CDN.

With 21YunBox, just write code. With 21YunBox, just write code.

Static Site Generators you love: Framework you love: Gatsby, NextJs, Hugo, NuxtJS, Jekyll, Svelte, Gridsome, and Angular.

For Your Backend Developers

Give you Heroku-like deployment experience in China.

Git push, 21YunBox Deploy, and your web services live in China in minutes.

Legal is integrated straight into your backend services.

Gain complete control of backends without managing web servers, setting up CI/CD, scaling clusters, and configuring CDN. Gain complete control of backends without managing web servers, setting up CI/CD, scaling clusters, and configuring CDN.

Ops-free, scaling up and down without adding complexity. Ops-free, scaling up and down without adding complexity.

With 21YunBox, just write code. With 21YunBox, just write code.

Backend Framework you love: Python, NodeJS, Go, Java, Ruby, PHP, Django, Flask, Express, Rails, Laravel, Spring

All Deployments are Backed by 21YunBox China Edge.

Advanced Functionality Built on Top of Leading Cloud Providers in China.

21YunBox Edge. Advanced functionality built on top of leading cloud providers in China - Alibaba Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Tencent Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Huawei Cloud, and Baidu AI Cloud

Ready to Accelerate Your Site in China Legitimately?

Join 21YunBox and the 5,000+ developers and enterprises to use modern deployment technology

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Make Your Site Work inside the Great Firewall of China

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Make Your Site Work Within the Great Firewall of China
Make Your Site Work Within the Great Firewall of China

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