Congratulations on launching your app or game in China! Now, it’s time to find and engage users in this dynamic market. At 21YunBox, we specialize in simplifying the complex landscape of China’s app stores and media platforms to help you succeed.

Introducing 21YunBox’s User Acquisition (UA) Service

When it comes to User Acquisition (UA) in China, 21YunBox offers two essential services:

  1. App Store UA – This involves paid advertising and campaigns within China’s app stores where your app or game is listed.

  2. Media Platform UA – This service focuses on mobile advertising across China’s diverse media landscape.

For most clients, we recommend starting with App Store UA. Why? Because app stores provide reliable user data and access to a vast pool of high-quality users. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into our App Store UA model.

Maximize Your App Downloads

Learn how to optimize user acquisition for your app in China. Get expert guidance and start growing your user base today.

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CPD Bidding in China App Stores

CPD (Cost per Download) bidding is the most effective way to boost downloads on major Chinese app stores. There are two types of CPD bidding options:

Keyword Search CPD

This approach allows you to select popular search keywords on each app store and bid to ensure that your app or game appears prominently in relevant search results.

Keyword Search CPD
Keyword Search CPD

With Featured Position CPD, your app gains visibility in key locations throughout the app store, including the home page, categories page, and featured page.

Featured Position CPD
Featured Position CPD

Quality Weight

The success of your Keyword Search and Featured Position CPD campaigns also depends on your Quality Weight, which is determined by several factors:

  • Download numbers
  • User ratings
  • Number of comments
  • Retention rate
  • App introduction

Download numbers typically hold the most significant weight in these factors for most campaigns.

Here’s a step-by-step approach to maximize your App Store UA efforts:

1. Testing

Begin by running App Store UA tests on platforms like Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, and Xiaomi for a trial period of 15 to 30 days. This will help you understand key metrics for each App Store UA channel.

2. Expansion

Based on the results from the testing phase, it’s time to scale up your App Store UA campaign. Increase your budget to ensure that the positive results achieved during testing can be replicated at scale.

3. Stabilization

Once the expansion phase has demonstrated a positive return on investment, move on to the stabilization phase. Here, we fine-tune your App Store UA strategy to ensure consistent, long-term results.

The 21YunBox Advantage

What sets 21YunBox apart is our in-depth understanding of the Chinese market and how to effectively reach its users. When you work with us, you’ll have a dedicated account manager who can be reached via phone, email, or messaging. Additionally, our online dashboard provides 24/7 access to your campaign, complete with metrics and analytics to track its effectiveness and progress. If you’re ready to get started, send us a message.

We’re here to guide you through the intricate landscape of user acquisition in China, helping you achieve success in this vibrant and competitive market.