When your original site is updated, 21YunBox automatically synchronizes these changes to the 21YunBox version. However, if you notice discrepancies or missing content, there are several proactive steps you can take to ensure complete synchronization.

Self-Troubleshooting Guide

For general troubleshooting steps, learn how to address common issues on your 21YunBox site with our dedicated guide.

Video Content

If your site includes video content, check whether your current subscription plan includes Video Content Optimization by visiting your subscription page. If it does, please contact your account manager. Our support engineers are ready to assist with any issues related to video content.

Non-Video Content

If your website has undergone significant changes, such as the addition of new pages or a major architectural redesign, even after the initial “Fine-tuning” process, you might need a complete rescan. Please submit a rescan request, and we will schedule the necessary adjustments.

For further assistance, feel free to contact 21YunBox Support at support@21yunbox.com.

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